
Skip Li ’66 (right) interviews Eugene Peterson ’54, author of The Message, during the gala

Skip Li ’66 (right) interviews Eugene Peterson ’54, author of The Message, during the gala.


西雅图 Pacific is the only private university in the Pacific Northwest to make the 2017 U.S. 网易彩票下载 & 世界报道 全国最佳大学排行榜. SPU joins the University of Washington 和 Washington State University as the only three institutions from Washington state named to the magazine’s list.

U.S. 网易彩票下载 defines national universities as those institutions offering a full range of undergraduate majors, 加上硕士和博士课程, 并致力于突破性的研究. SPU’s ranking results in part from growth in its graduate 和 doctoral programs in business, 教育, 心理学, 护理, 和神学. The ranking also recognizes SPU’s emphasis on undergraduate research, in which students work alongside 教师 on important research 和 serve as interns at world-renowned companies 和 institutions in the 西雅图 area 和 beyond.


This year SPU honored its founders’ global vision 和 commitment to scholarly excellence by celebrating the 大学125周年校庆. 一个只有受邀者才能参加的鼓舞人心的晚会, 5月20日举行, 是今年庆祝活动的高潮, 突出过去的故事, 激动人心的礼物, visionary future of 网易彩票下载 through a multimedia experience. As hosts Kristen Eddings Tetteh ’06 和 Skip Li ’66 interviewed notable SPU 校友 和 talked about the University’s history, guests dined on cuisine from noted 西雅图 chef Tom Douglas 和 watched musical performances by the b和 Joseph, 由三个有成就的西雅图州立大学校友组成的小组.


一个由三姐妹组成的乐队,约瑟夫在其中表演过 吉米·法伦主演的今夜秀 《网易彩票app》艾伦秀. Natalie Closner Schepman 09和她的姐妹们, 艾莉森和米根·克洛斯纳, took a break from their international tour to perform at SPU’s 125th Anniversary Gala. Joseph最近发行了他们的首张专辑, 我是孤独的,你不是 via ATO Records.

Schepman将她的成功部分归功于SPU音乐教师.“Time 和 time again,y trusted me with opportunities I didn’t feel qualified for,” she recalls. “It happened with solos, performances, student leadership, even final exams that felt impossible. 但他们从不怀疑我的能力. 即使我不确定,他们似乎也知道我能做到. 他们相信我,所以我学会了相信自己.”


125,000小时 of service project exceeds goal by more than 100,000小时

In celebration of SPU’s 125th anniversary, SPU made a goal of contributing 为网易彩票app的社区服务了125000小时. 感谢SPU学生的贡献, 校友, 教师, 工作人员, 和父母, 社区远远超过了这个目标, 总数达到228人,000小时. Service hours took place through SPU events 和 organizations such as 冲刺, CityQuest, 帕金斯中心, Latreia. Other student hours were recorded through academic internships 和 clinical practicums. Finally, SPU also tracked individual or group 校友, 工作人员, parent volunteer efforts.



  • 本科在校生3095人
  • 学士后入学人数:26人
  • 研究生招生人数:940人


  • 本科专业:65
  • 本科辅修:57
  • 本科专业:60
  • 硕士学位项目:20个
  • 博士学位:5个
  • 毕业证书:12


SPU已经选择了一个新的 负责多元化、公平和包容的副总裁:桑德拉·理查兹·梅奥. 在她的学术和行政工作中, 理查兹·梅奥专注于社会正义, 多样性, 和股票. Her scholarly work has explored historical perspectives on racial disparities. She joined the Senior 领导团队 和 began her role on July 1.

Previously an associate professor 和 director of the doctoral program in 教育al leadership at Azusa Pacific University, she has also served as associate dean for academic affairs in the APU 教育学院, 主要负责学生的学业支持, 课程管理, 以及教师发展. “This inaugural position represents SPU’s commitment to the ongoing work of reconciliation 和 provides a strategic opportunity to fulfill our institutional mission,理查兹·梅奥说. “I am deeply honored to join the community as we set a vision forward to achieve greater 多样性, 股本, 以及网易彩票app所做的一切.”


“To know a family is to know its roots,” says Free Methodist scholar Howard Snyder. 斯奈德的书, 根植于使命:网易彩票下载的成立(1891-1916),是受神学院院长委托 道格强 to serve as a definitive history of 西雅图 Pacific’s earliest years. Snyder — the visiting director of the Manchester Wesley Research Center in Manchester, 英国-帮助读者重新发现SPU的起源, 以前是大学,甚至是学院. Snyder pays particular attention to SPU’s Free Methodist founders — Nils Peterson, 希兰皮斯, 约翰·诺顿, 亚历山大和阿德莱德啤酒公司, B.T. 和 Ellen Roberts (the founding couple of the Free Methodist denomination, 斯奈德在早期的传记中赞扬了他们的生活). 这本书在SPU书店有售.


2016年6月, 西雅图太平洋神学院 获得神学院协会的认证, 加入了美国270多家机构的行列.S. 和 Canada in the pursuit of the highest st和ards of excellence in academic research, 课堂教学, 以及职业前培训. 的神学院, 从2009年开始, attained accreditation in the shortest possible time after graduating its first class of students in 2011 和 was granted accreditation for the longest time allowed for a newly accredited school: seven years. The evaluators noted the benefits of the Seminary’s role within the University, saying that it “serves the seminary by providing benefits it would not otherwise have as a st和-alone school, it serves the university by providing a leading voice 和 vision from the theology 教师 for the institution’s Christian character 和 culture.”



Founder of the Equal Justice Initiative 和 a professor of law at New York University School of Law, 布莱恩·史蒂文森 has received national acclaim for his work challenging bias against the poor 和 people of color. 他是3月28日在SPU教堂的客座演讲者, 在皇家布鲁厄姆馆, 他谈到 基督徒该如何回应不公. Later that evening, Stevenson spoke at 西雅图’s Benaroya Hall as part of his sold-out 西雅图 Arts & 讲座系列活动. 该活动由网易彩票下载联合举办, 美国西雅图大学, 以及华盛顿大学. 史蒂文森是 纽约时报 畅销书和回忆录 只是怜悯, 这使他与不公正的斗争个人化了.


For individuals who hold a bachelor’s or a master’s degree in 护理 和 want to advance their careers, 现在有了一个新的选择:SPU 护理实践博士学位. DNP students can earn a doctorate as a family or adult/ gerontology nurse practitioner or as a clinical nurse specialist. “We are very excited to bring our advanced practice 护理 pathways to the doctoral level. Increasingly complex care 和 changing health care delivery systems dem和 new knowledge 和 skills for current 和 future nurses,洛里·怀尔德说, 健康科学学院院长. National 护理 organizations have endorsed the DNP as the academic qualification for entry into practice for advanced practice nurses.