哲学 实习

哲学 majors — along with other liberal arts majors in general — have a wide range of job possibilities open to them. According to career counselors, the best way to connect with these job possibilities is by means of an internship. 实习 are a bridge to the workplace, potentially giving you both vital contacts and valuable work-related experience.

的 nature and value of internships

实习 are critical opportunities for liberal arts students to explore career interests, gain essential skills specific to professional disciplines, and increase their marketability to employers. Employers also benefit from internships by getting a jump on recruiting qualified and skilled employees while meeting project needs and improving processes or procedures.

What is an internship?

An internship is a work experience that integrates practical experience 在工作场所 with reflection, 研究, and other academic work. 这是有计划的, 结构化, and supervised experience that enables students to gain career-related work experience before graduating.

实习 are opportunities to “try-on” and explore various career options while developing communication, 团队合作, 领导, and other industry specific skills. Graduating with internship experience is essential in 今天’s job market.

实习: Crucial in 今天’s job market

Today, participating in internships is crucial for students. 实习 provide students with many benefits including:

  • Gain critical skills specific to professional disciplines.
  • Increase their marketability to employers after graduation.
  • Opportunity to explore career interests and make educated choices about what type of environment they want to work in after graduation.
  • Gain self-confidence 在工作场所.
  • Learn how to interact professionally.
  • Ease the transition from college to their chosen vocation.
  • Earn course credit and possibly money.
  • Establish contacts for letters of reference and networking

Practical steps to take

Center for Career and 调用 provides an extensive amount of information about internships, 包括常见问题解答, information about finding an internship, 和更多的.

的 Center includes 握手, your connection to internships and jobs. 

Computer and philosophy books

Philosophers in tech? 是的!

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