Undergraduate Programs

There’s no better way to put compassion into action than to help people become or stay healthy. 在SPU, our acclaimed programs in the School of 健康 科学 emphasize both health and fitness promotion, and the care of injuries and illnesses in diverse settings — from hospitals and schools, to recreational centers and nursing homes. Well-trained professionals focused on health and wellness are in demand and are valued for their critical thinking, ethical thought and action, skilled judgment, 协作, 和关怀.

Undergraduate offerings

The School of 健康 科学 offers 两个专业: 

We also offer minors in Exercise Science.

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a 360 degree look at 西雅图 Pacific University's campus

旅游的 Clinical 护理 Lab through SPU’s new 360 虚拟之旅! You can also visit other campus buildings — and soar over a few of our favorite Northwest highlights.

Michael Hasegawa-Yun

Michael Hasegawa-Yun works 30–50 hours a week at Johns Hopkins Children’s Center. Read his story.

Daniel Buenaventura

Paying it forward: Daniel’s story

He learned valuable lessons from his disabled brother: “So that I could understand what it was like to suffer… but still value life.”

Watch Daniel Buenaventura’s inspiring story. (Second half of the video.)


安德里亚Sonk’s Story

“My experience in the HHP program has been amazing, and it has helped me to have a greater appreciation of how incredibly complex and wonderful God’s creation of the human body is.”

Your Internship

Your internship is an integral part of your learning experience. We'll help you find the very best placement in the 西雅图 area.