
Interviewing is an art. 做好面试需要时间、承诺、准备和大量的练习. 被录用的人不一定是最适合这份工作的人——通常是了解情况的人 how to get hired. But the good news is, you can be both! 网易彩票app在这里帮助你准备和掌握面试的艺术.

Know yourself

  1. Memorize your résumé. Understand clearly how your goals, strengths, education, and abilities will be an asset to the company.
  2. Review your profile on LinkedIn, Facebook, and other social media sites you might have, 想象一下你未来的雇主在你身后看着你. Revise accordingly. 你也可以用谷歌搜索一下自己——未来的雇主很可能会用谷歌搜索你.


雇主想知道你能为他们做什么,而你的工作就是告诉他们. 因此,了解你所能了解的网易彩票app公司的一切 mission statement, products, training programs, history, current status, goals, finances, and anything else that seems relevant. Here’s how:

  1. 仔细查看职位描述,尤其是“需求”部分. 他们可能会问你成功完成这些事情的经验!
  2. Research the company online. 能够展示对公司和行业的了解,显示出努力和热情.
  3. 询问邀请你参加面试的人还有谁会出席面试. Look them up on LinkedIn in advance!
  4. Talk to anyone you know at the company or in the field. 询问他们对公司在这个职位的面试中应该强调什么有什么建议.

Prepare for questions you may be asked & to ask interviewer(s)

  1. See sample questions you might be asked here
  2. 如何准备行为问题(告诉我一个当……的时候): 许多面试通过观察过去的行为来预测未来的行为. For example, 如果雇主对你如何对待他们的客户感兴趣, 他们可能会让你描述你过去与客户合作的一次经历. 使用“PAR”方法确保您清楚地回答了这些问题.
  3. P: Problem
    Briefly explain the situation in question.
    当网易彩票app的软件出现故障时,我在校园里做售票员, just before a big game with hundreds of attendees.
    A: Action
    Share what you learned. Highlight what translates to the new role.
    I called tech support right away. 在等待的过程中,我得到了一些优惠券,可以给那些早到的人,同时我向他们解释了情况.
    R: Results
    Briefly explain the situation in question.
    在问题解决之前,网易彩票app可以让每个人都满意. 我学到了保持冷静和以客户为中心是度过工作中任何意想不到的挑战的关键.

  4. See sample questions you might be asked here

Know the time and place

Check the logistical details at least three times. Be sure about the time, time zone (if not in person), location (in person, online, phone), and format. Arrive 10 minutes early if in person.

Dress appropriately

挑选一套能让你在公司文化中感到自信和舒适的服装. 面试的一个基本原则是穿着要比员工在公司的日常着装高出一步. 如果可能的话,和校友和公司里的其他人谈谈,了解一下这是什么. Make sure it’s cleaned, ironed, and set out beforehand!

Bring the right stuff (in-person interviews)

带一个文件夹或文件夹,里面有几份你的简历 résumé, your list of references, and any other documents requested by the employer. Bring your questions for the interviewer(s), paper, pen, 还有你在等待的时候可能想看的准备笔记.

Tips for video interviews

  1. Make sure you have the technology (e.g. 缩放)下载,并且您的卷提前运行良好. Log on 2-3 minutes in advance.
  2. 选择一个简单的背景(真实的或虚拟的),这样就不会让人分心. Make sure you’re well-lit.
  3. 为自己开辟一个不受干扰的区域,这样你就可以专注于面试了. Close other programs on your computer.


当你走进公司大门的那一刻,你就会被仔细审视. Hiring is extremely subjective, 影响你的不仅是你的资历,还有你的雇主和 co-workers believe you will fit with the team.

  • 对你遇到的每一个人都要友好和礼貌——即使是在洗手间或电梯里. When introducing yourself, say your first and last name. Make eye contact, smile, and give a firm handshake.
  • Watch for the interviewer’s cues for where you should sit, the pace of the conversation, the amount of small talk, etc.
  • Let the sparkling parts of your personality shine.

Maintain good “body language”

  • Maintain good eye contact and nod your head appropriately.
  • Sit leaning slightly forward with your arms unfolded.
  • 避免分心的手部动作和在椅子上扭动.
  • 避免思考你的下一个答案——它会分散你的注意力.
  • 如果合适的话,可以随意记下一些笔记.

Answer the questions

Be concise and to the point. 确保你回答了被问到的问题,必要时要求澄清. Demonstrate knowledge of yourself, the employer, and the position. Use examples or stories when appropriate. Always be friendly, confident, enthusiastic, and positive.

Illegal or inappropriate questions
做好准备,以防面试官问一些不合法或不恰当的年龄问题, ethnicity, religion, race, citizenship, marital status, arrest records, or disabilities:

  • 你可以拒绝回答,或者问为什么这个问题是相关的. 例如,你可以说:“你能告诉我这和这个职位有什么关系吗??” Or, “I’m not sure what you mean by this question?”
  • 如果你愿意,你可以直接回答这个问题,或者解决你认为潜在的问题. For example, the question, “Do you have a family?” 也许这是面试官问你能不能熬通宵的笨拙方式, weekends, and travel the job requires. You can say, “I’m aware of the time commitment needed, 我可以向您保证,我非常愿意投入必要的时间来出色地完成工作.” 

Close gracefully

  • Reiterate your interest in the position.
  • 面试官可能会这样结束面试:“你还有什么需要网易彩票app了解的吗??准备一份简洁而热情的资历总结.
  • Thank the interviewer for his or her time, and shake everyone’s hand before you leave — again, make eye contact, and convey confidence!
  • Reiterate your interest in the position.
  • 向每个面试你的人要名片, or ask your interview host for a list of your interviewers, for your thank-you notes.


Make each interview a learning experience. 面试结束后,评估一下自己哪些做得好,哪些需要改进.

Send a thank-you note

Within 24 hours of the interview, send a thank-you note to each person who interviewed you.


If you have not heard back in a week or so, or you have an alternative decision to make, it is perfectly correct to call and inquire.

Second interview

一般来说,在第一次面试之后,那些被筛选的人将有一个更长的第二次面试. You will usually meet with a variety of people with whom you could be working. 他们通常没有权力雇用你,但他们的意见是被考虑的. The time tends to be less formal, more relaxed, but remain on your toes!

About 60% of those invited to a second interview are hired. 安排可能更复杂,所以要确保你完全理解你要做什么 need to know. 如果你对任何事情都不确定,打电话给邀请你参加面试的人.

Congratulations! You got an offer!

It’s customary to ask for a few days to consider an offer. 表达你对这份工作的热情和对公司的兴趣 agree on a specific deadline for your answer. Be sure to get the offer in writing. More about salaries.

卡门·鲍德温为学生提供职业资源| Lynn Anselmi摄

Check out our Mock Interview program

网易彩票app的职业顾问可以帮助您练习面试技巧,并在安全的环境中获得建设性的反馈, supportive environment. 网易彩票app还可以为你提供面试时的职业礼仪和着装方面的建议.

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Ames Library | photo by Chris Yang

CCC and the SPU Library

The SPU Library has a Subject Guide on Career, Vocation, & 这其中包含了准备面试的绝佳资源.

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